Birds of the World

Accipitridae : Hawks & Eagles

Red Kite - leucistic individual

Milvus milvus

Gigrin Farm, Powys, Wales - March 2004

This leucistic, or "white", Red Kite is a regular visitor to the Gigrin Farm feeding station. It's strikingly unusual colour is caused by a rare genetic mutation which prevents normal pigmentation of the feathers resulting in predominantly white or pale plumage. Since the eyes and bare parts (bill, cere and legs) retain their normal colours, it is not a true albino. More information on this unusual bird and the feeding station at Gigrin Farm can be found here (external website).

Gigrin Farm, Powys, Wales - March 2004

Four and a half years later...It has developed a bit more colour as it has matured but it is still obviously paler than the other kites and is still persecuted by them for being different.

Gigrin Farm, Powys, Wales - September 2008

Gigrin Farm, Powys, Wales - September 2008